Also, we’ve conducted thorough analysis and stabilization to enhance the overall performance of the
inspace Displays app.
5. Admin booking flexibility.Admins can now create bookings for all users, even if there are team or department restrictions on the table.
6. Visitors module update.We’ve added a new
Legal Documents column for better visitor record management. A list of hosts that visitors have pre-registered to meet is now displayed in the app to improve visibility. The
Company field has been made optional when adding a new visitor. Also, we’ve introduced an option to not include a profile image in the email when sending visitor invitations.
7. Signature field improvement.The
Sign button is now enabled only if the user has drawn something in the signature field, ensuring proper signature capture.
8. Bug fixes & improvements.- Enhanced the My Bookings page with improved pagination.
- Refined avatar centering on pop-ups.
- Ensured accurate time updates on the booking creation panel.
- Fixed the adaptivity of the Displays (panel applications for meeting rooms and reception).