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We couldn’t be more thrilled to share some incredible news about our inspace AI-Driven Workplace Platform!


Collage of inspace workplace platform on various devices
  • What is inspace?
    inspace is an enterprise SaaS platform designed to help companies transform their office into hybrid workspaces while increasing collaboration across your cross-functional teams and empowering your employees to work better.
  • How do I get started with inspace?
    Sign-up for our trial service or contact our experienced sales team to get you started
  • What systems do I need to run inspace?
    It's easy, all you need is a smartphone and a web browser.
  • Why not use QR codes?
    Quick Response (QR) codes have been used for years to direct users to websites and even check attendees into events. Although QR codes are easily recognizable by almost anyone, they have inherent security risks. For example, someone can easily duplicate a QR code, which opens organizations up to corrupt workplace data. Organizations can make sure their workplace analytics are accurate by using Near-Field Communication (NFC) devices for onsite check-ins and contactless bookings.

    Related: What Is Better for Offices: NFC or QR Codes?

  • How long does it take to get started with inspace?
    From signing on with inspace to booking your first space in your dedicated environment, typically takes 24 to 72 hours depending on customizations and integrations selected.
  • What if an employee doesn’t have a smartphone to check into an inspace device?
    If an employee doesn’t have a smartphone to check into an inspace device, admins can turn off the particular NFC-enabled device in the system, allowing the employee to use the web version to check into a space for the day.

  • Why not use sensors?
    Unlike NFC devices, sensors are more expensive, harder to maintain, and require lengthy onboarding. Additionally, sensors can have inaccurate data due to something as simple as temperature skewing the data.

    Related: Real Time Data

  • How can employees get the inspace app?
    They can easily download the app through AppStore or Google Play.

  • Do I need inspace devices to use your software?
    No, you don’t. However, we do recommend their use to allow for the best experience. Additionally, requiring check-in via these devices increases the accuracy of usage data used to deliver the insights you gain through inspace.
  • How does inspace input floorplans?
    The inspace team works to make your onboarding experience as easy as possible. You send a PDF, CAD, or DWG file of the floorplans, and our team will create your customized, interactable floorplan within 1-7 days.

    Related: inspace Features | Floor Plans and Maps
  • What do I get with my trial?
    For 30 days, ten users get the opportunity to access and use a sandbox environment to reserve spaces on a floor plan of your choosing. While you don’t have access to integrations, you get to explore the ways inspace could help you work better as a hybrid company.
  • Can I convert the trial to a paid license?
    Yes, you can purchase licenses through direct, credit card purchase at (link to stripe payment service). Or you can work with our sales team to establish a licensing agreement. 
  • What's the benefit of using inspace?
    As an employee-first-centric tool, inspace allows your facility managers to access better data and insights to better inform strategies on improving your workspace, it allows CFOs to make better decisions on CAPEX expenditures regarding your office portfolio, it allows your HR Managers better access to your employees so they can have more of an impact on improving work-life balance at the office and finally it empowers your employees to have more control and collaborate more efficiently with their peers.
  • Can I limit access to any spaces or desks?
    Yes, you can. Admins can restrict bookings to certain zones or desks as needed. Making them accessible to certain groups of people or a specific person if needed.
  • Who can have access to my inspace sandbox?
    Anyone you wish to grant access to. We have already implemented support for several email domains. Now we can link multiple domains to one company and admins can approve or disapprove access to those necessary.
  • Do I need to purchase new devices to display inspace bookings for my meeting rooms? Or can I have the display run on my current hardware? 
    No. Our system is compatible with many other existing solutions out on the market, and we can provide you with our proprietary screens to put on your devices or link your system to ours with the right information. Contact our support team for more details to get this done.
  • How do I add people to inspace?
    There are three ways. Under the <People> tab, you can manually upload a user using the ‘Add User’ button, or you can import our CSV file using the ‘Import Employee List’ button, or even easier for those with Enterprise accounts, you can synch your Active Directory with inspace.
  • What do I do if I run into any issues with inspace?
    Contact our support team 24/7 via the email address We have a turnaround time of about 72hours.