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We couldn’t be more thrilled to share some incredible news about our inspace AI-Driven Workplace Platform!
Real-Time Analytics in inspace app

Real-Time Analytics

Managing an office in today's modern work environment can be challenging, especially as teams become more complex. It's easy to lose track of who is using which space and when leading to inefficiencies and increased costs for maintenance. But with inspace's real-time analytics, administrators can manage desks, rooms, and other workspaces more effectively.

Using inspace's live data, companies can track their space usage dynamically and gain insights into how to optimize their office spaces. With at-a-glance dashboards, administrators can see which areas are used most and when helping them make informed decisions about office layouts and desk assignments. By monitoring office occupancy in real-time, companies can also identify underutilized areas and make better use of their office space.
with inspace's real-time analytics, administrators can manage desks, rooms, and other workspaces more effectively
Another key benefit of inspace is its heatmapping feature, which allows administrators to see the most popular areas used by their team. This information can be used to inform decisions about office layouts, collaboration spaces, and more. With inspace's powerful real-time analytics, companies can manage their office spaces more effectively, boost productivity, and reduce costs.

With a big enough team, it can be easy to lose track of everything that takes place in your office. People go on leave, take days off, and so on: some workspaces inevitably end up underused for prolonged periods, making it hard to justify the maintenance costs. inspace's real-time analytics help administrators efficiently manage desks, rooms, and other workspaces.

Here is how inspace live data feed enables you to optimize your office space:

  1. Track your space usage dynamically with at-a-glance dashboards.
  2. Gain insights into the efficiency of your spaces and create informed strategies as the company grows.
  3. Monitor office occupancy with everything updated in real-time and logged forever.
  4. Use heatmaps to see the most popular areas used by your team.
with inspace's real-time analytics, administrators can manage desks, rooms, and other workspaces more effectively