We couldn’t be more thrilled to share some incredible news about our inspace AI-Driven Workplace Platform!
We couldn’t be more thrilled to share some incredible news about our inspace AI-Driven Workplace Platform!
User Profiles in inspace app

User Profiles

The inspace User Profile feature allows employees to personalize their profile and customize their work locations right within the inspace app.

  • First and last name
  • Display photo
  • Department and teams
  • Phone number
  • Job title
  • Bookings and work locations
  • Zoom meeting ID
The inspace User Profile feature allows employees to personalize their profile
Your employees have gotten comfortable in their remote working arrangements. But you’re tasked with getting them to come back into the office for at least part of the time. But they see little to no reason to make the commute.

How do you get employees to engage with your workplace?

Download this guide for the 4 keys to success that fundamentally improve employee experience and engagement.

Guide To Engaging Employees With Your Workplace

The inspace User Profile feature allows employees to personalize their profile