We couldn’t be more thrilled to share some incredible news about our inspace AI-Driven Workplace Platform!
We couldn’t be more thrilled to share some incredible news about our inspace AI-Driven Workplace Platform!

Fort Worth
Case Study

Visit Fort Worth is a dynamic organization that fuels economic development in Fort Worth

Visit Fort Worth is dedicated to driving economic development through tourism, creating jobs, enhancing the city's visibility, and contributing to the local quality of life. As part of their mission, the organization focuses on fostering a dynamic and collaborative workplace environment to support their operations. To achieve this, they partnered with inspace, a leading workplace management platform, to streamline their workspace management and enhance their productivity.
The Challenge

Visit Fort Worth was looking to incorporate a practical, technology-driven solution to help with their scheduling and workplace management. They needed a system to enhance operational fluidity and support their diverse needs without compromising productivity.

Visit Fort Worth needed a solution that was not only powerful but also user-friendly. They required a platform that could seamlessly manage desk bookings, room reservations, provide workplace analytics, and offer visibility into where employees were working at any given time. Additionally, they wanted to ensure high adoption rates across their organization to maximize the benefits of the platform.
The Solution
Visit Fort Worth selected inspace for its intuitive interface and robust functionality. Over the past two years, they have leveraged various features of inspace, including:
Desk Booking
Simplifying the process for employees to reserve desks, ensuring optimal space utilization.
Room Booking
Streamlining the scheduling of meeting rooms, with recent integration with Microsoft 365 (M365) making it even more convenient..
Workplace Analytics
Providing valuable insights into space usage and employee preferences, aiding in better decision-making.
Offering real-time visibility into where employees are working, fostering collaboration and communication.
inspace has brought a new degree of effectiveness and coordination to our daily operations

Kurt Fournier, CFO
Implementation and Adoption

From the beginning, the implementation of inspace at Visit Fort Worth was smooth and efficient. The user-friendly interface played a significant role in achieving an impressive adoption rate of over 80% throughout their contract. The platform's ease of use ensured that even less tech-savvy team members could navigate and utilize its features effectively.
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M365 Integration: A Game Changer

One of the standout aspects of inspace for Visit Fort Worth has been the M365 integration for room booking and overall visibility. This integration allowed employees to book rooms directly from their familiar M365 environment, reducing the learning curve and increasing efficiency. The seamless synchronization between inspace and M365 calendars ensured that bookings were accurate and up-to-date, preventing double bookings and scheduling conflicts.
Benefits and Outcomes

The partnership with inspace has yielded significant benefits for Visit Fort Worth:

Enhanced Productivity:
The streamlined booking processes and real-time visibility into workspace availability have saved employees time and reduced administrative overhead.

Improved Space Utilization:
Workplace analytics provided by inspace have helped Visit Fort Worth optimize their office space, ensuring that resources are used efficiently.

Greater Collaboration:
Visibility into where employees are working has facilitated better communication and collaboration among team members.

User Satisfaction:
The user-friendly interface has received positive feedback from employees, making the transition to inspace smooth and stress-free.

Visit Fort Worth's experience with inspace highlights the platform's ability to transform workplace management for organizations of all sizes. By offering a solution that is both powerful and easy to use, inspace has helped Visit Fort Worth enhance their operations, improve space utilization, and foster a more collaborative and productive work environment. As Visit Fort Worth continues to drive economic development through tourism, inspace remains a trusted partner in supporting their mission.
Are you ready to improve your hybrid workplace?